Retour de Charlevoix

Treasures of Charlevoix - August 2024

This month, as part of our Artisan of the Month series, we're showcasing a region rather than a single artisan. At the beginning of July, we went to the magnificent Charlevoix region where we stayed for a week. It goes without saying that we were going to take the opportunity to tour the artisans of the region.

We were so impressed with their products that we decided to add them to our offer for you to benefit from.

Here is the story of some of our meetings. If you have the chance to visit them yourself, don't hesitate, their welcome is so warm.

Charlevoix mushrooms

Charlevoix mushrooms

At the foot of Mont Grand-Fonds in La Malbaie, is Champignons Charlevoix , a company that has specialized in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms and the processing of mushroom and plant-based products since 2002.

There we met Danielle Ricard, the friendly founder of the company. As she showed us around her mushroom farm, she told us about the unique method she has developed and perfected over the years for growing oyster mushrooms. For her, it is important that oyster mushrooms are grown with respect for the environment, without the use of fertilizers or pesticides and that they do not produce any harmful waste.

We left with several cases of its delicious products that you can now find at Gourmande boutique : marinated oyster mushrooms, oyster mushroom pesto, tomato sauce for oyster mushroom pasta, among others.

Charlevoix Emu Center

The Charlevoix Emu Center

Another notable stop was a visit to the Charlevoix Emu Center . Perhaps you are surprised to learn that these large birds from the other side of the world, emus, are raised here in Quebec in Saint-Urbain, located a few kilometers from Baie Saint-Paul.

Raymonde Tremblay and her partner have operated an emu production farm since 1997 on the site of the family farm, where five generations of Tremblays have succeeded one another.

From the emu, they created two ranges: care products and food products. Emu provides, in fact, a tasty, high-quality meat, low in fat and rich in protein and iron. This large bird is also used to produce an oil with exceptional properties. This oil is now recognized throughout the world as an exceptional natural moisturizer. Its effectiveness is linked to its composition of omega 3, 6, 7 and 9, beneficial fatty acids for the body and skin.

From this oil, producers helped by specialists in the field have developed a complete range of care products beneficial for all skin types.

If you go to the region, you absolutely must stop by and discover this astonishing universe. Until then, know that you can now find care products as well as rillettes and terrines at Gourmande boutique .

The Chefs' Garden - Les Éboulements

The Chefs’ Garden

Halfway along the Côte des Éboulements leading to Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive is Le Jardin des chefs . This agricultural business is famous for its gorria pepper. Increasingly sought after and appreciated, this pepper replaces the famous Espelette pepper with controlled designation of origin and therefore necessarily imported. Gorria pepper comes from the same type of plant as its cousin from the Basque country. Very fragrant and slightly spicy, it is used as a finish on many dishes.

Find it in the form of ground pepper or gorria pepper sea salt at Gourmande boutique.

Pedneault Orchard - Isle-aux-Coudres

Pedneault orchard and cider house

Getting to Île aux Coudres is always an adventure in itself. Just having to go there by boat transports us to a completely different universe. Upon arrival on the island, after having climbed the coast, you can see the installations of the more than century-old family business Cidrerie et Vergers Pedneault .

Thanks to the island's favorable microclimate, fruits grow in abundance. Its apple trees ( 35 varieties of apples), pear trees, plum trees, cherry trees and Saskatoon berries allow it to offer a beautiful range of jams, jelly and syrups, but also, more recently, excellent ciders and mistelles.

As was the case for the other producers visited, you will suspect that we could not resist the pleasure of now offering you several of these products as well.

Field rose - Cap-à-l'Aigle

Field rose

Although we already knew and offered Rose des champs products, we had not yet had the chance to go there to see the installations. A short detour through Cap-à-l'Aigle allowed us to contemplate the new rose fields of this artisanal company which produces and markets wonderful natural cosmetic and food products based on local rose petals.

Sunday market in Baie-Saint-Paul

A region rich in craftsmen at heart

Of course the list is not complete. We discovered many other splendid businesses built with heart and passion. We were amazed by their variety and originality. Let us salute in particular Azulée , lavender producer in Baie Saint-Paul, where we were able to walk in a magnificent garden, Alpagas Charlevoix in Les Éboulements, where we were able to rub shoulders with friendly quadrupeds or Nordic Saffron from Clermont which we met at the Sunday market in Saint-Paul Bay. Great meetings with enthusiasts who will have marked our stay.

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