Fruits à boire Mishka

Mishka Fruits to drink - Artisan of the month, April 2024

This month, we give the floor to our Artisan of the month. Here is a company presentation in the form of a question/answer discussion with Michaëla, its founder and owner.


Company name : Mishka Drinking Fruits (formerly Mishka Fruity Herbal Teas)
Year of foundation : 2015
Place of production : Sherbrooke
Artisan owner : Michaëla Vrastiak
Flavor Creators Member : yes

Gourmet boutique:
How did you come to create your business?

I still remember the smell that perfumed the house when my mother prepared her delicious fruity herbal teas for us. For the end-of-year holidays in 2014, I was keen to offer this delight to those around me. Based on the know-how passed on to me by my mother, I developed my own recipes and packaged my preparations with a lot of love. I was so happy with the result. I even put a pretty homemade label with the name Mishka fruity herbal teas, based on the nickname my mother always gave me. I then gave my jars as gifts to my loved ones for Christmas. I was far from realizing the enthusiasm this would cause. The demand for my products arose immediately and well beyond my family and friends. So that’s how my business came to be.

Michaëla Vrastiak, owner of Mishka Drinking Fruits (previously Mishka Fruity Herbal Teas

Gourmet boutique:
Which of your products is the most popular?

It's really difficult to decide between them. I believe that every flavor has its die-hard fans.

SUMMER HEAT is in demand in both summer and winter. Whether around the pool to cool off or near the fire in winter to comfort yourself. We appreciate it for its pieces of mango, pineapple, apple and ginger.

ROSÉE SWEETNESS, it’s my comforting apple pie! It plunges us into memories, comfort, and gourmands!

ESPACE BOISÉ is distinguished by its very fruity taste of cranberries, strawberries, blueberries. Its little touch of cinnamon reminds us a little of the holiday season, gatherings and good times with friends.

Finally, ECLATS DE JOIE, which I call my little fruity dessert, is characterized by the flavor of raspberries that emerges from the small fruits used in its production.

Gourmet boutique:
What is your favorite product and why?

I have a weakness for SOUVENIR D'ANTAN (previously called SOUVENIR D'AUTOMNE). Its freshness on the palate seduces me every time. I love grapefruit. This, combined with the oranges and apples that accompany it to soften its tangy side, makes it such a fresh product in the mouth. It's definitely my favorite, especially in sparkling water and with ice cubes.

Gourmet boutique:
How are Mishka Drinking Fruits used?

Simply by adding 2 or 3 generous spoonfuls of Mishka to a drink of our choice. Whether in a glass of water, a glass of wine, sparkling water, kombucha, a cup of hot water, you will be delighted by the freshness of this fresh fruit drink and the joy of tasting the fruit afterwards. having drunk it. Try Mishka on yogurt or ice cream, they will be even tastier.

Don’t hesitate to create delicious treats. For example, add Mishka to a glass of sparkling water of your choice and top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. You will then obtain the most exquisite float.

Gourmet boutique:
Do you have any upcoming projects that you can share with us?

You may have noticed that Mishka packaging has a new look. This process has kept me very busy recently and there are still a few details to finalize. When this big step is completed, I plan to start creating new recipes. So this is something to watch out for, perhaps you will see new Mishka products appear on the shelves of my retailers in the more or less near future!

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